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Blogskins by Vanny's only is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.shoutvanny.blogspot.com.

counter hits since 31st Oct'09

I'm Vanny,
Call me Vanny Brittany,
Thats my new name, hehs! :P
I don't own a famous blog or fake a famous blogger,
Just a simple blog about my life.
Haters, call me a bitch and I shall show you one :)

Email me at omgthats_vanny@yahoo.com.sg

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Vanny Goh

SAMMY boobie! YUENSHIN babe!
KHLOE sweetlover Stephanie lover

View the Past:
October 2009 November 2009 December 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hey dear, Won't post that regularly unless I am in extreme good mood! =P
Told Terry that I'll keep a diary and paste pictures on it. Just like another blog.
Cool right?
I think I'm gonna self D.I.Y one leh :)
I think I'll be rather busy this few weeks.
I don't bear to leave Singapore to Beijing leh, how? :P

kk, let's talk about today.
Was chatting with Terry till 5am and it was raining cats and dogs.
Decided to meet out and was shivering like some fuck shit while walking to 7 eleven to get some alcohol.
Bought 2 bottles of LIT, not bad uh though preferring JD more =/
2 bottles, both mine! :D
Finished the 1st bottle in less than 2 mins, laughs =/
Wasted bodoh, shout just drink slowly -.-
Told mama that I went out in the morning, then she told me what family background got liver cancer.
Fuck man, scared me =/
Shall not drink so much already.
The day went out with Melinda, already drank one bottle while slacking at woodlands. Somehow just a few hours ago matter then drink another 2 bottles :(
Find it rather a waste of money.
K la, bye all.